Nitrogen Regulators

Note: Nitrogen Regulators can also be used for CO2 when using the F36 Adaptor.


R1500 Series
A Compact proven design for soft drink dispencing systems (Not Beer) and for many types of pressurizing applications. Features include an adjustable pressure screw with locking nut and a self-reseating relief valve (not designed to protect downstream systems).


RHP Series
Regulators for use with Nitrogen or CO2 (with optional F36 adaptor) that have been specifically designed for purging and pressure testing. Large “T” handle with stainless steel pressure adjusting screw and bushing prevent galling.



**Different Pressure Scales & Inlet Connections Available Upon Request**

Product Information

imgPart# Part # Inlet Connection Outlet Connection Gauge Gauge(s) Delivery Delivery PSIG Gas Type Category Group
R1546 R1546 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Single (1-1/2″) G83: 60 2-50 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
R1549 R1549 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Single (1-1/2″) G84: 300 2-175 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
R1558 R1558 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Dual (1-1/2″) G20: 15 / G56: 4000 2-12 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
R1560 R1560 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Dual (1-1/2″) G83: 60 / G56: 4000 2-50 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
R1562 R1562 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Dual (1-1/2″) G78: 200 / G56: 4000 5-120 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
R1563 R1563 CGA580 1/4” SAE Flare (M) Dual (1-1/2″) G84: 300 / G56: 4000 5-175 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
RHP400 RHP400 CGA580 1/4” Flare (M) Dual (2″) G8S: 600 PSI / G7S: 4000 PSI 0-400 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
RHP500 RHP500 CGA580 1/4” Flare (M) Dual (2″) G8S: 600 PSI / G7S: 4000 PSI 0-500 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
RHP500-1A RHP500-1A AS2473#50 1/4” Flare (M) Dual (2″) G8SD-2: 600 PSI / G7S-2: 4000 PSI 0-500 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators
RHP800 RHP800 CGA580 1/4” Flare (M) Dual (2″) G34SC: 1000 PSI / G7S: 4000 PSI 0-800 Nitrogen, (CO2; with F36 Adaptor) Nitrogen Regulators