Medium Duty

The All American Oxyacetylene Medium Duty Outfit is a portable outfit for cutting, welding, and brazing in remote locations.

• Cutting Capacity: 1/2″ with supplied tip; up to 5″ with optional tips.
• Welding Capacity: 1/8″ with supplied tips; up to 1-3/4″ with optional tips.

Oufits Include:
• WH350 Welding Handle
• CA350 Cutting Attachment
• 3-GPN-1 Cutting Tip
• Grade “T” Twin Hose 20' 3/16″ “B”
• Goggles & Lighter


Product Information

Part# Oxygen Regulator 5-125 PSIG Propane Regulator 2-40 PSIG
KRP350 RUH8210 CGA540 RUH8212 CGA510
KMP350  MR8210 CGA540  MR8212 CGA510