2023 Annual Brunch. PED Associates, Inc. celebrated the 2023 Annual Brunch at Uniweld Products, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 13th, 2023. PED Associates, Inc. celebrated the 2023 Annual Brunch at Uniweld Products, Inc. on December 13th, 2023 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event was held at Uniweld Products, Inc. and hosted by PED Associates’ […]
Author: Uniweld
Matt Foster de Uniweld demuestra cómo la barrera contra llamas FB12 protegerá su espacio de trabajo mientras utiliza herramientas con llama. Diseñada para el servicio e instalación de HVAC, la barrera contra llamas puede soportar 3200 grados de calor directo. Se puede cortar con tijeras para que se deslice sobre el tubo y cubra completamente […]
CBRP – Pasta Aislante de Calor Reutilizable Cool Blue™ protege superficies, válvulas y componentes sensibles a la temperatura al absorber el calor dañino en el momento de soldar. [ Cool Blue™ Reusable Putty ]
CBRP – Cool Blue™ Reusable Heat Sink Putty protects surfaces, valves and heat sensitive components by absorbing damaging heat when soldering, brazing or welding. [ Cool Blue™ Reusable Putty ] Uniweld’s Director International Richard Apodaca demonstrates the overheating protective properties of Cool Blue™, by showing 2 copper tubes being brazed side by side. Each tube […]
CBRP – Cool Blue™ Reusable Heat Sink Putty protects surfaces, valves and heat sensitive components by absorbing damaging heat when soldering, brazing or welding. [ Cool Blue™ Reusable Putty ]
Uniweld Sales Executive, Matt Foster, demonstrates how to set up the Oxyacetylene Equipment. [ Click to go to Uniweld Welding Products. ] Learn more on the Uniweld video Page.
2022 Annual Brunch. PED Associates, Inc. celebrated the 2022 Annual Brunch at Uniweld Products, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 14th, 2022. PED Associates, Inc. celebrated the 2022 Annual Brunch at Uniweld Products, Inc. on December 14th, 2022 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The event was held at Uniweld Products, Inc. and hosted by PED Associates’ […]